Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m.
at Rust Belt Books
202 Allen Street, Buffalo, NY

Admission: Your hourly wage.

conceived and performed by
Lieu-Lieu Deux-Flores, Kitty Jung,
Sigmund the Satisfactory,
Ronawanda, Dora, Jack Papier,
Piaget the Mute Swine,

and special guest Corbeau Morreau

featuring a different house band and guests artists each weekend:

September 22-23, 2006
HOUSE BAND: Pam Swarts & company
Julie Perini
Don Metz

September 29-30, 2006
HOUSE BAND: Open Music Ensemble
Lara Buckley
Dana Block
Stephanie Rothenberg
Aaron Piepszny

October 6-7, 2006
HOUSE BAND: Dimetrodon
Heather Connor
Annette Daniels-Taylor
Can of Worms (Oct 7)

October 13-14, 2006
Kristianne Meal
Nimbus Dance
members of Babik
Raw Deal

(Note: weekly lineup is subject to change;
this post will be updated as needed.)

Advance tickets available at Rust Belt Books.
Seating is very limited, so don't delay!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I know we're not usually so overt on our blog, but I am in a promotional mood at the moment, so bear with me.

We are part of this festival:

Our new show THE PICTURE runs Thursday, July 27-Sunday, July 30 at Squeaky Wheel. It has something to do with Oscar Wilde, McCauley Culkin, and a magic cat. The show after that runs Sept. 23-Oct. 15 at Rust Belt Books. It's about Judas, Oprah Winfrey, and lying.

Also, watch for us on the TV show Crossroads on Adelphia Channel 13 in Buffalo on Tuesday, July 25, from 3-4 p.m.

OK, I've got it out of my system now.

Friday, June 23, 2006

10 pictures of DORIAN GRAY

In preparation for our next show, behold a collection of video clips inspired by The Picture of Dorian Gray:

1. Long live 80s music video!

(That's semi-obscure synthpopper Robert Marlowe's "The Face of Dorian Gray," in case you were wondering.)

2. Who knew? Turns out the book is really a warning about the dangers of internet porn, more than 100 years before the fact:

3. Pretty much the entire 1945 movie adaptation, in the form of 9 minutes' worth of stills subtitled in French:

4. A verrrrrrrry short Spanish art-film version of the story:

5. A table full of high school girls take the opposite approach to the problem of adaptation: instead of trying to condense a novel into a three-minute video clip, they devote three verrrrrry long minutes to two lines. Hooray for the American educational system for producing tomorrow's avant-garde today!

6. Just what is it with the giggly high-school girls and their baffling inside jokes about Dorian G?

(Is it possible she has him confused with David Copperfield?)

7. By contrast, high-school-age boys (okay, he's 19) deliver fairly straightforward book reports (curiously never spelling out the obvious connection between the two novels under consideration) :

8. Ah, now we get to the heart of the problem: here's what the kids are really doing when they're supposed to be discussing the book in class...

9. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the book, but it's my favorite video with the keyword "Dorian" :

10. To close, two lilting ballads by a band who take their name from Wilde's immortal tale. I'm quite certain old Oscar would approve of the wry, subtle wit of their lyrics:

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What To Do?

Hi everyone, it's the Real Dream Cabaret's beloved Why (Not!) Guy here. Thank you. Sorry for not posting more lately, but I've been a bit down. I'm really interested in getting back into the dating scene again, but I just don't have the time for a long, drawn out "dinner and a movie" when we might not even be compatible anyway. I wish there was a way to, you know, speed up the dating process. Dating, but with more speed. A speedy way of dating. Oh well, sucks to be me I guess.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Jeepers Creepers, it's a PEEPshow

Here's where you'll find us next:

in room 825 of the Hotel Lenox (140 North St., Buffalo, NY)
as part of PEEP SHOW, A Love and Sex Art Party
(a fundraiser for Squeaky Wheel)
SATURDAY, February 25, 2006, from 8:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m.

Real Cream Productions will be shooting a series of
specialty films all night long (mainly from 9 to midnight).
Visit often—new movies every 15 minutes!
We’ll also be conducting OPEN AUDITIONS,
so here’s your chance to strut your sexy stuff.

Admission to PEEPSHOW is $12 in advance, $15 at the door.
Advance tickets are being sold at New World Record & Talking Leaves Books.

The party will feature over 20 artists' installations
in hotel rooms on the 8th floor.
Live music, silent art & gift auction, performance art,
film/video screenings, striptease acts,
and of course much drinking and dancing...
throughout the hotel...

Click here for more info on PEEPSHOW.